For several weeks Chloe, Elliot, and I have been going to work/school and other activities, trying to move on from our loss of Mister Molson. Memories and funny stories remind us everyday. The pain slowly being replaced by gratitude. Just as we started to wonder if the Mister Molson chapter of our life was waning, I received an unsolicited message from a guy named Aaron Brick. Apparently, he had been moved by our story and wanted to help. What he had in mind had me excited and nervous at the same time.

He invited us to be guests on the brand new, but already popular daytime show, Pickler & Ben. When I told Chloe she said “That’s a new show. They couldn’t have run out of good guests yet.” So, despite my introverted reservations, I agreed to go for the kids, and for Mister Molson.

They flew us to Nashville, TN and put us up in a first-class hotel. The kids were blown away by every part of the trip there. From the magic sidewalks (where they did an awesome moonwalk)….

…to their second time ever on an airplane, and the fluffy hotel beds with a view over downtown Nashville. As I watched the excitement in the kids eyes, I remembered that Mister Molson gave this to them. It is his story and adventures that allowed them to experience all of this.

The evening we arrived, we had dinner at a local joint with live music, of course. It is Music City after all. We saw local artists Stevie Woodward and Brianna Alomar at The Row.

The next morning we had a few hours free so we visited the Parthenon (a full size replica of the Ancient Greek one). It was impressive no matter how big you are.

Then a Cadillac Escalade picked us up and took us to the studio. Elliot said “I feel rich!” I was beginning to get nervous anticipating the lights and cameras and live audience and….(ok, take a deep breath Tim…focus on the kids. I secretly hope they will do most of the talking).

Aaron showed us to our dressing room and the door beside ours read Hunter Hayes. Yeah. Mister Molson and a regular family from a small town no one probably ever heard of was put next to a 5 time Grammy Award nominee.

After we hung out in the green room, did the make up thing and got ready, we were led backstage where we watched the show with the producers through multiple camera feeds. The kids made the most of the craft services table. I was too nervous to eat. Right before we went on, Hunter Hayes played his new single “Rescue”.  First he described the meaning of the song.  As he talked, I could totally relate.  Losing Mister Molson was a dark time where I kind of felt stuck and like I lost some motivation and purpose.  It was way harder than I thought it would be.  But, like Hunter describes, friends, family, and Mister Molson’s followers helped me through encouraging words and comments that let me know I wasn’t alone in this.

Then, he went on to play “Rescue.”  And, for anyone that didn’t know, this guy is super talented and can play tons of different instruments in addition to song writing.  But, this song really hit home.

That was gonna be a tough act to follow. But it was a great lead in to what the crew had planned.

Ok ya’ll….here we go…5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

As the video played I almost broke down there on the spot. What a great tribute to Mister Molson. There was so much I planned to say but once the cameras started rolling it all was a blur. Writing is way easier than being on TV. Kellie and Ben were great. The staff was great. The audience was great. The surprise at the end for the kids was perfect.

During the spot, Hunter Hayes was hanging out backstage with the surprise.  The kids had no clue.

I think they were shocked and in disbelief.

Agape Animal Rescue saved the puppy from Hurricane Harvey in Houston and started nursing him back to health with the help of a foster family.  Thanks to their work, this guy has a new home.

The kids asked several times on the flight home if they were dreaming and if that really happened. People from the show recognized us in the airport and stopped to say hi to the new puppy. Elliot was telling everyone backstage that we were gonna name him sausage. So as we walked through the airport we heard “Hey! There’s Sausage!” That name never gained full consensus so they started calling him Muddy. Chloe said she wanted that name because one time I was talking to Molson and accidentally called him Muddy as I merged Molson and Buddy.

While Muddy can never fill the void that Mister Molson left, he can grow a special place of his own in our hearts. I feel like this all came together because of Molson. And, in a way, Mister Molson sent this new pup into our lives to tell us that it’s okay to move forward.

In some of Molson’s final adventures, people gave us gifts that he couldn’t play with due to the tumor in his mouth. So Molson not only gave his family to a new puppy that needed one, he earned him a basket full of new toys to call his own.

I look forward to many new adventures with Muddy and plan to carry forward all the lessons Molson taught me to try to be an even better dog dad.

We will keep everyone posted on the adventures of Mister Muddy as we grow together.